Grandview Heights Schools

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Office of the Superintendent

Welcome to Grandview Heights Schools!  Since our district’s founding over a century ago Grandview Heights Schools has been defined by a strong and supportive community, a sense of tradition, and a commitment to excellence. Our success can be directly attributed to the hard work of our staff, students, and the support of our families and residents. Thank you for all that you do to help our students achieve.

With the help of our community, we are able to accomplish our mission of maximizing and personalizing every student’s learning. This mission articulates the values and ideals of our community and encourages us to identify where we need to go to continue on a path of excellence. 

Our small size makes us unique and enables us to offer more personalized learning experiences for students. Our low teacher to student ratio allows our teachers to spend more one-to-one time with students so they can reach their own potential and we are able to offer this environment while maximizing tax dollars. 

Ninety-eight percent of our students attend college after high school. Our broad curriculum and focus on college readiness ensures that each graduate is fully prepared to address the challenges that they will face, no matter the setting.  We also recognize that the classroom is just one environment for learning and we encourage students to round out their education with extracurricular activities. Participation in activities outside the classroom teaches students self-discipline, personal responsibility, and the value of teamwork. Our students have embraced these lessons.  High percentages of our students participate in organized sports, music and theatre, and over the course of a school year, more than 48% do both. Few school districts have so many students who participate in such a wide range of activities.  In summary, I believe that Grandview Heights Schools is truly “A SMALL PLACE TO DREAM BIG.”

In order to maintain excellence, we must also continue to evolve so that we are at the forefront of teaching and learning. We hold this vision close as we aim to ensure that Grandview Heights Schools possess the qualities and capabilities necessary to help our students and staff lead in, and shape, the 21st century.  Thank you for visiting our website and please feel free to contact me personally if you have any questions or would like to discuss our district further at [email protected].




Andy Culp


Grandview Heights Schools